Publicacion de mis creaciones artisticas y todo lo que sea interesante para desarrollar la mente, el cuerpo,el espiritu; cultivar la paz y la alegria! Mas noticias sobre todo el acontecer climatico dentro y fuera del planeta
Monday, November 7, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Las acerolas son, ni más ni menos, las frutas del acerolo. Similares a ciruelas o guindas, destacan más que por su suave sabor ácido, por ser una de las mayores fuentes de vitamina C, que existen en la naturaleza. Conoce sus beneficios y propiedades.
Las acerolas son, precisamente, las frutas del árbol conocido como el acerolo. Estos pequeños frutos redondos, que pueden recordar a las ciruelas o a las guindas, tienen muchas capacidades en su interior, por lo que se pueden emplear para consumo diario. En este artículo te detallamos sus cualidades.
Principales propiedades y beneficios de las acerolas:
- En primer lugar, las acerolas son una de las mayores fuentes de vitamina C que existen en la naturaleza, incluso superior a cítricos como la naranja. Cada 100 gramos de acerolas, uno puede llegar a incorporar aproximadamente de 1000 a 2000 miligramos de dicha vitamina.
- Por esa misma razón detallada anteriormente, las acerolas están fuertemente indicadas para gripes y resfriados, entre otras enfermedades que necesiten del sistema inmune en óptimo estado. También son fuertemente antioxidantes.
- La acerola, además, sirve excelentemente como aperitivo, digestivo, refrescante y también como activante del hígado. Esto se debe, en buena forma, por su buen contenido de pectina y su acidez.
- Esta fruta puede ser perfectamente comida a diario y su sabor es apetecible, levemente ácido, como ya señalamos. También puede prepararse con ella dulces e incluso un sabroso licor de acerola.
Behemoth sunspot 1302 unleashed another strong flare on Saturday morning--an X1.9-category blast at 0940 UT. The explosion produced a coronal mass ejection (CME) that might deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field in the days ahead; stay tuned for further analysis.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Solar activity is picking up, and no one has a better view of its effect on Earth than the crew of the International Space Station. During a geomagnetic storm on Sept. 17th, astronauts recorded a must-see movie of auroras dancing underfoot:
Note how the underbelly of the space station glows green from the reflected light of the auroras below. Also, in the distance, Sirius the dog star and Orion the Hunter can be seen rising feet-first into the night sky.
The storm, which registered a moderate 6 on the 0-to-9 K-index scale of geomagnetic disturbances, was caused by a coronal mass ejection (CME) hitting Earth's magnetic field. It was just a glancing blow, but with CMEs that is often enough to spark bright auroras over both ends of Earth. The space station was flying over the southern hemisphere at the time of the display. Observers in the northern hemisphere saw it too.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
The September 15th Event: planet rattled by swarm of major earthquakes
September 15, 2011 – FIJI – The shaking continues with a major 7.3 earthquake reported off the coast of Fiji at a depth of 626 km. Even with the downgrade of the earthquake off the coast of Cuba from 6.0 to 5.1 by the USGS, one would be hard-pressed not to see geological forces are now disturbing tectonic plates across the globe- perhaps nudging the planet into a new catastrophic seismic paradigm. 14 major earthquakes have now been reported in the first 15 days of the month of September, with 4 of those events occurring within the last 23 hours. We have crossed a threshold.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
9-14-2011 Harvest Moon
Why is the Harvest Moon special?
Harvest Moon is just a name. It’s the name for the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox. In the northern hemisphere, you’ll always see the Harvest Moon in either September or October. In the southern hemisphere, a moon with these same characteristics always comes in March or April.
But the Harvest Moon is more. Nature is particularly cooperative around the time of the autumn equinox to make the full moonrises unique around this time.
Here’s what happens. On average, the moon rises about 50 minutes later each day. But when a full moon happens close to the autumnal equinox, the moon (at mid-temperate latitudes) rises only about 30 minutes later daily for several days before and after the full Harvest moon. Why? The reason is that the ecliptic – or path of the sun, moon and planets – makes a narrow angle with the evening horizon around the time of the autumn equinox. The narrow angle of the ecliptic results in a shorter-than-usual rising time between successive moonrises around the full Harvest Moon.
These early evening moonrises are what make every Harvest Moon special. Every full moon rises around sunset. After the full Harvest Moon, you’ll see the moon ascending in the east relatively soon after sunset for several days in a row. The lag time between successive moonrises shrinks to a yearly minimum, as described in the paragraph above. Because of this, it seems as if there are several full moons – for several nights in a row – around the time of the Harvest Moon.
Want to know the time of moonrise in your location? My favorite source of that information is this Custom Sunrise Sunset Calendar. Once you get to that page, be sure to click the box for ‘moon phases’ and ‘moonrise and moonset times.’
Is the Harvest Moon bigger, or brighter or more colorful?
Not necessarily, but the actual size of the Harvest Moon depends on the year. The Harvest Moon has the reputation of being especially big and bright and orange. But it isn’t really the Harvest Moon’s size or brightness that distinguishes it from other full moons. In fact, this year’s Harvest Moon counts as one of the smaller full moons of 2011, because the moon will be just a few days away from apogee, its farthest point from Earth for the month.
Still, you might think otherwise. That’s because the Harvest Moon has such a powerful mystique. Many people look for it shortly after sunset around the time of full moon. After sunset around any full moon, the moon will always be near the horizon. It’ll just have risen. It’s the location of the moon near the horizon that causes the Harvest Moon – or any full moon – to look big and orange in color.
The orange color of a moon near the horizon is a true physical effect. It stems from the fact that – when you look toward the horizon – you are looking through a greater thickness of Earth’s atmosphere than when you gaze up and overhead. The atmosphere scatters blue light – that’s why the sky looks blue. The greater thickness of atmosphere in the direction of a horizon scatters blue light most effectively, but it lets red light pass through to your eyes. So a moon near the horizon takes on a yellow or orange or reddish hue.
The bigger-than-usual size of a moon seen near the horizon is something else entirely. It’s a trick that your eyes are playing – an illusion – called the Moon Illusion. You can lengthy explanations of the Moon Illusion by googling those words yourself.
How the Harvest Moon got its name
So why is this moon – the moon closest to the autumnal equinox – called the Harvest Moon?
The shorter-than-usual time between moonrises around the full Harvest Moon means no long period of darkness between sunset and moonrise for days in succession. In the days before tractor lights, the lamp of the Harvest Moon helped farmers to gather their crops, despite the diminishing daylight hours. As the sun’s light faded in the west, the moon would soon rise in the east to illuminate the fields throughout the night.
Who named the Harvest Moon? That name probably sprang to the lips of farmers throughout the northern hemisphere, on autumn evenings, as the Harvest Moon aided in bringing in the crops. The name was popularized in the early 20th century by the song below.
Shine On Harvest Moon
By Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth (1903)
Shine on, shine on harvest moon
Up in the sky,
I ain’t had no lovin’
Since January, February, June or July
Snow time ain’t no time to stay
Outdoors and spoon,
So shine on, shine on harvest moon,
For me and my gal.
Bottom line: The Harvest Moon will come early in 2011. The Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox, which in 2011 comes on September 23. So the full moon of September 11-12 is 2011′s Harvest Moon. September 13 will have a beautiful bright full-looking moon, too. The Harvest Moon is not really bigger, brighter or yellower than other full moons, but it’s special for ushering in the year’s grandest procession of moonlit nights. Enjoy.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Las mariposas transportan el polen de las flores a diversas plantas con lo cual ayudan a la polinización, hacen parte de la cadena trófica de los seres vivos y son indicadores ecológicos de la diversidad y salubridad de los ecosistemas en que habitan.
Estudiadas desde hace mucho por los aficionados, que han aportado abundante información sobre su distribución y biología, las mariposas diurnas se han convertido en un grupo de prueba clave para la investigación ecológica y evolutiva. Son muy apropiadas para la investigación genética en laboratorio, es fácil seguirles la pista en el campo y se cree que son representativas de la mayoría de los insectos herbívoros, los más importantes competidores de la humanidad por la comida.
Las mariposas son excelentes bioindicadoras del estado de salud de los ecosistemas naturales, más que ningún otro animal, reflejan las condiciones de conservación o de alteración de los ecosistemas debido a la estrecha relación planta-animal. Dos de los cuatro estados de desarrollo por los que atraviesa una mariposa dependen exclusivamente de las plantas: las orugas son netamente herbívoras, mientras que los imagos (la mariposa adulta) se alimentan sobre todo de néctar y de polen.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
ScienceCasts: Missing Sunspots
When solar activity recently plunged into a
century-class minimum, many experts were puzzled. Now a group of
researchers say they have cracked the mystery of the missing sunspots.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The Cygnus Mystery
Go on a voyage of discovery that leads from the oldest known temple in the world to a prehistoric cave map, to a common belief shared by key ancient cultures, all of which were aware of the star system Cygnus' unique place in the cosmos - and it's significance as the spirit path to heaven. Most surprising is the fact that the Ancient Advanced cultures of the past were aware of cosmic rays emanating from Cygnus, and for their being the spark which ignited evolution - the same spark which continues to alter our DNA right through to the present day.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Earth’s inner core rotates faster than the rest of the planet
A new paper in Nature Geoscience confirms that the Earth’s inner core rotates faster than the rest of the planet but slower than previously believed.
Earth’s hot interior is composed of a solid inner core of iron and nickel that is surrounding by a fluid outer core. In 1996, scientists first speculated that the Earth’s inner core was rotating faster than the rest of the planet, but the idea was controversial. The rotation of the inner core is believed to be driven by circulating liquid caused by heat-induced convection currents in the outer core.
For the past decade, scientists have been further investigating the rotation of the Earth’s inner core by analyzing seismic waves that pass through the interior of the Earth. Earthquakes produce seismic waves.
Research published in Science in 2005 and more recently in the February 2011 issue of Nature Geoscience confirms that Earth’s inner core does indeed rotate faster than the rest of the planet. The 2011 estimates suggest that the extra spin may be on the order of 0.1 to 1 degree every million years, a much slower estimate than the values proposed in 1996 and 2005.
The hallmark of good science is that the results are repeatable. Now three scientific studies have confirmed the hypothesis that the Earth’s inner core rotates faster than the rest of the planet. Accurate geophysical information on the structure and movement of the Earth’s interior may help science to develop a more robust understanding of how the Earth generates a magnetic field that is essential to life on the planet.
Earth’s hot interior is composed of a solid inner core of iron and nickel that is surrounding by a fluid outer core. In 1996, scientists first speculated that the Earth’s inner core was rotating faster than the rest of the planet, but the idea was controversial. The rotation of the inner core is believed to be driven by circulating liquid caused by heat-induced convection currents in the outer core.
For the past decade, scientists have been further investigating the rotation of the Earth’s inner core by analyzing seismic waves that pass through the interior of the Earth. Earthquakes produce seismic waves.
Research published in Science in 2005 and more recently in the February 2011 issue of Nature Geoscience confirms that Earth’s inner core does indeed rotate faster than the rest of the planet. The 2011 estimates suggest that the extra spin may be on the order of 0.1 to 1 degree every million years, a much slower estimate than the values proposed in 1996 and 2005.
The hallmark of good science is that the results are repeatable. Now three scientific studies have confirmed the hypothesis that the Earth’s inner core rotates faster than the rest of the planet. Accurate geophysical information on the structure and movement of the Earth’s interior may help science to develop a more robust understanding of how the Earth generates a magnetic field that is essential to life on the planet.
The Earth Is Opening In Southern Peru
The sudden appearance early in the morning of an enormous crack, measuring 100 meters wide and three kilometers long, caused confusion among residents of the Huacullani district in the Chucuito province, department of Puno.
The exact cause of the crack in the earth still unknown. Peru’s geophysical institute ruled out the occurrence of an earthquake in the region, but what is clear is that the ground opened up and large blocks of earth can be observed scattered throughout the area.
The event, recorded Wednesday morning, caused the collapse of one house located in the rural community of Llorohoco. Four people managed to escape, but the youngest in the family, five-year-old Jean Carlos Vilcanqui Acero, is missing.
Geological engineers from the regional committee for civil defense have arrived in the area to investigate the phenomenon and determine its causes, said Javier Pampamallco, Puno’s civil defense chief.
- The people of Chucuito, in Puno , expressed his surprise at the appearance of a huge crack of 100 meters wide and three miles long.
According to the newspaper 'El Comercio', it is unknown exactly what caused the Forado on earth, and even the Geophysical Institute of Peru ( IGP ) in the area denied that there has been an earthquake.
The incident, reported early Wednesday morning, caused the collapse of a house in the rural community of Llorohoco.
Four people managed to escape being killed, but the youngest in the family, Jean Carlos Vilcanqui (5) is missing.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Cell Phones May Affect Brain Metabolism
After a 50-minute call to a cell phone on a subject's right side (left image), nearby brain regions showed heightened activity (arrow). In a brain with phones placed to both sides of the head but turned off (right), activity was normal.
Power-talkers with cell phones glued to their ears may be getting more than conversation. A 50-minute call boosts activity in brain regions near the ear where a phone is located, a brain-scanning study published February 22 in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows.
“This is the first paper that really shows there are changes in the brain,” says bioengineer Henry Lai of the University of Washington in Seattle, who coauthored an editorial published in the same issue of JAMA. Talking on a cell phone pressed to the ear, he says, “is not really safe.”
In the study, researchers measured the brain activity of 47 participants who had pairs of Samsung cell phones strapped to their heads, one on each side. The phone on the left ear was turned off, while the one on the right received a 50-minute recorded message. This phone was kept muted so that the subject didn’t know which phone was on, and also to prevent stimulation of the brain’s hearing center.
A few minutes after the call, a PET scan revealed that brain regions next to the working phone had higher levels of glucose metabolism. The left side of the brain and other areas, even those quite close to the phone, showed no changes. Since active brain cells require glucose, the increase suggests that cell phone radiation is boosting brain activity. “The human brain is sensitive to the electromagnetic radiation that is emitted from cell phones,” says study coauthor Nora Volkow of the National Institute on Drug Abuse in Bethesda, Md.
The particular brain regions affected would probably change depending on a phone’s design and how a person held it, Volkow says. On the phones used in the study the antennas are near the bottom, so the brain areas involved were the orbitofrontal region, which sits right behind the eyes, and the temporal pole below it.
Glucose metabolism rose in these areas by about 7 percent — an increase typically seen when brain regions become active. For instance, glucose metabolism in the language centers of the brain rises by about 10 percent when a person is talking, Volkow says.
The increase in brain metabolism observed in the experiment may be an underestimate, because cell phones emit more radiation when a person is talking, Lai says. Radiation levels also change depending on the phone type, the distance to the nearest cell phone tower and the number of people using phones in the same area. These variables have prevented scientists from getting good epidemiological evidence about potential health risks of cell phone usage.
- Talking on a cell phone pressed to the ear changes activity in the brain.
- Many variables have prevented scientists from getting good epidemiological evidence about the potential health risks of cell phones.
Power-talkers with cell phones glued to their ears may be getting more than conversation. A 50-minute call boosts activity in brain regions near the ear where a phone is located, a brain-scanning study published February 22 in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows.
“This is the first paper that really shows there are changes in the brain,” says bioengineer Henry Lai of the University of Washington in Seattle, who coauthored an editorial published in the same issue of JAMA. Talking on a cell phone pressed to the ear, he says, “is not really safe.”
In the study, researchers measured the brain activity of 47 participants who had pairs of Samsung cell phones strapped to their heads, one on each side. The phone on the left ear was turned off, while the one on the right received a 50-minute recorded message. This phone was kept muted so that the subject didn’t know which phone was on, and also to prevent stimulation of the brain’s hearing center.
A few minutes after the call, a PET scan revealed that brain regions next to the working phone had higher levels of glucose metabolism. The left side of the brain and other areas, even those quite close to the phone, showed no changes. Since active brain cells require glucose, the increase suggests that cell phone radiation is boosting brain activity. “The human brain is sensitive to the electromagnetic radiation that is emitted from cell phones,” says study coauthor Nora Volkow of the National Institute on Drug Abuse in Bethesda, Md.
The particular brain regions affected would probably change depending on a phone’s design and how a person held it, Volkow says. On the phones used in the study the antennas are near the bottom, so the brain areas involved were the orbitofrontal region, which sits right behind the eyes, and the temporal pole below it.
Glucose metabolism rose in these areas by about 7 percent — an increase typically seen when brain regions become active. For instance, glucose metabolism in the language centers of the brain rises by about 10 percent when a person is talking, Volkow says.
The increase in brain metabolism observed in the experiment may be an underestimate, because cell phones emit more radiation when a person is talking, Lai says. Radiation levels also change depending on the phone type, the distance to the nearest cell phone tower and the number of people using phones in the same area. These variables have prevented scientists from getting good epidemiological evidence about potential health risks of cell phone usage.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Earth Could be 'Unrecognizable' by 2050
Opencast mining in Germany literally transforms the landscape. By 2050, resource depletion could be a very serious global problem
A growing, more affluent population competing for ever scarcer resources could make for an "unrecognizable" world by 2050, researchers warned at a major US science conference Sunday.
The United Nations has predicted the global population will reach seven billion this year, and climb to nine billion by 2050, "with almost all of the growth occurring in poor countries, particularly Africa and South Asia," said John Bongaarts of the non-profit Population Council.
To feed all those mouths, "we will need to produce as much food in the next 40 years as we have in the last 8,000," said Jason Clay of the World Wildlife Fund at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
"By 2050 we will not have a planet left that is recognizable" if current trends continue, Clay said.
The swelling population will exacerbate problems, such as resource depletion, said John Casterline, director of the Initiative in Population Research at Ohio State University.
But incomes are also expected to rise over the next 40 years -- tripling globally and quintupling in developing nations -- and add more strain to global food supplies.
People tend to move up the food chain as their incomes rise, consuming more meat than they might have when they made less money, the experts said.
It takes around seven pounds (3.4 kilograms) of grain to produce a pound of meat, and around three to four pounds of grain to produce a pound of cheese or eggs, experts told AFP.
"More people, more money, more consumption, but the same planet," Clay told AFP, urging scientists and governments to start making changes now to how food is produced.
Population experts, meanwhile, called for more funding for family planning programs to help control the growth in the number of humans, especially in developing nations.
"For 20 years, there's been very little investment in family planning, but there's a return of interest now, partly because of the environmental factors like global warming and food prices," said Bongaarts.
"We want to minimize population growth, and the only viable way to do that is through more effective family planning," said Casterline.
- Scientists predict that we'll "need to produce as much food in the next 40 years as we have in the last 8,000."
- Almost all of the population growth will occur in poor nations.
- As populations swell, resource depletion will be exacerbated.
A growing, more affluent population competing for ever scarcer resources could make for an "unrecognizable" world by 2050, researchers warned at a major US science conference Sunday.
The United Nations has predicted the global population will reach seven billion this year, and climb to nine billion by 2050, "with almost all of the growth occurring in poor countries, particularly Africa and South Asia," said John Bongaarts of the non-profit Population Council.
To feed all those mouths, "we will need to produce as much food in the next 40 years as we have in the last 8,000," said Jason Clay of the World Wildlife Fund at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
"By 2050 we will not have a planet left that is recognizable" if current trends continue, Clay said.
The swelling population will exacerbate problems, such as resource depletion, said John Casterline, director of the Initiative in Population Research at Ohio State University.
But incomes are also expected to rise over the next 40 years -- tripling globally and quintupling in developing nations -- and add more strain to global food supplies.
People tend to move up the food chain as their incomes rise, consuming more meat than they might have when they made less money, the experts said.
It takes around seven pounds (3.4 kilograms) of grain to produce a pound of meat, and around three to four pounds of grain to produce a pound of cheese or eggs, experts told AFP.
"More people, more money, more consumption, but the same planet," Clay told AFP, urging scientists and governments to start making changes now to how food is produced.
Population experts, meanwhile, called for more funding for family planning programs to help control the growth in the number of humans, especially in developing nations.
"For 20 years, there's been very little investment in family planning, but there's a return of interest now, partly because of the environmental factors like global warming and food prices," said Bongaarts.
"We want to minimize population growth, and the only viable way to do that is through more effective family planning," said Casterline.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
5 MILLION aquatic animals die at Mara river in Kenya
The National Environmental Management Authority (Nema), Public Health Ministry and Kenya Wildlife Service are investigating the deaths of fish in Mara River.
Conservationists suspect the deaths that started last week might have been caused by agro chemicals from farms, that drain into the river.
Hoteliers in Masai Mara Game Reserve are now expressing fear that the chemicals might kill animals that depend on the river.
"The deaths could have been caused by agro chemicals from large scale farms on the upper side of the river. The chemicals might also kill hippos, crocodiles and other animals that drink water from the river," said Ben Kipeno, a conservationist from the northern side of the reserve.
Mr Kipeno said on Wednesday there were unconfirmed reports that apart from fish, a crocodile and a hippo have already succumbed to effects of the chemicals.
He urged the Government to rein in farmers along the river who use potent chemicals and claimed that despite several complaints to Nema no action has been taken.
Officials from KWS who were dispatched from Nairobi took samples of the fish to the Government Chemist for further tests to ascertain the cause of the deaths. When The Standard visited the river, dead fish were floating with scavengers, including the Marabou stork, feeding on them.
The Narok South Nema officer in charge Gabriel Tambushi said initial reports had indicated that more than five million fish were killed at the confluence of the seasonal Moyan River in Transmara with the Mara following a heavy flood.
"The sudden change of weather that resulted into heavy mist covering the water surface, inhibiting fish and other animals that depend on the river from breathing might have been the cause of the deaths," said Tambushi.
He did not rule out poisonous agro chemicals from farms, which depended on Mara River for irrigation.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Scientists warn of $2,000bn solar 'Katrina'
Published: February 20 2011 17:50 | Last updated: February 20 2011 17:50
The sun is waking up from a long quiet spell. Last week it sent out the
strongest flare for four years - and scientists are warning that earth
should prepare for an intense electromagnetic storm that, in the worst case,
could be a "global Katrina" costing the world economy $2,000bn.
Senior officials responsible for policy on solar storms - also known as
space weather - in the US, UK and Sweden urged more preparedness at the
annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in
"We have to take the issue of space weather seriously," said Sir John
Beddington, UK chief scientist. "The sun is coming out of a quiet period,
and our vulnerability has increased since the last solar maximum [around
"Predict and prepare should be the watchwords," agreed Jane Lubchenco, head
of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. "So much more of
our technology is vulnerable than it was 10 years ago."
A solar storm starts with an eruption of super-hot gas travelling out from
the sun at speeds of up to 5m miles an hour. Electrically charged particles
hit earth's atmosphere 20 to 30 hours later, causing electromagnetic havoc.
Last week's solar storm may have been the biggest since 2007, but it was
relatively small in historical terms.
It caused some radio communications problems and minor disruption of civil
aviation as airlines routed flights away from the polar regions, said Dr
A more extreme storm can shut down communications satellites for many hours
- or even cause permanent damage to their components. On the ground, the
intense magnetic fluctuations can induce surges in power lines, leading to
grid failures such as the one that blacked out the whole of Quebec in 1989.
The 11-year cycle of solar activity is quite variable and the present one is
running late, with the next maximum expected in 2013.
The peak was not expected to be very strong but that should not cause
complacency, said Tom Bogdan, director of the US Space Weather Prediction
The most intense solar storm on record, which ruined much of the world's
newly installed telegraph network in 1859, took place during an otherwise
weak cycle. An 1859-type storm today could knock out the world's
information, communications and electricity distribution systems, at a cost
estimated by the US government at $2,000bn.
In terms of terrestrial vulnerability, the biggest change since the 2000
peak is that the world has become more dependent on global positioning
system satellites - and not just for navigation. The world's mobile phone
networks depend on ultra-precise GPS time signals for their co-ordination.
By Clive Cookson in Washington
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
IMPACT! A CME hit Earth's magnetic field at approximately 0100 UT on Feb. 18th (8:00 pm EST on Feb. 17th). The impact was not as strong as expected considering the cloud's X-class origin, see below. Nevertheless, geomagnetic storms are possible in the hours ahead. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.
INCOMING CME: NASA researchers have made a time-lapse movie of the X2-category explosion on Feb. 15th that spawned tonight's CME.This is a composite of data from two spacecraft: SOHO and the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). SDO took the golden picture in the middle; it's an extreme ultraviolet image of the sun. A flash of UV radiation centered on sunspot 1158 marks the biggest solar flare since Dec. 2006. SOHO took the red picture on the outside; it's a coronagraph image. The CME that just hit Earth is visible as a willowy cloud flying away from the solar disk.
Video source:
Info link:
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
MIsericordia y Justicia
La vida adulta de Jesus
(Segmento de su obra publica junto a Ganid en Roma)
Cierta tarde ocurrió un episodio muy interesante a la vera del camino, al aproximarse ellos a Tarento. Observaron que un robusto joven rudo atacaba brutalmente a un muchacho más pequeño. Jesús se apresuró a asistir al joven asaltado, y después de rescatarlo, retuvo firmemente al agresor para que el pequeño pudiera huir. En el momento en que Jesús soltó al atacante, Ganid se le abalanzó encima, propinándole una soberana paliza, pero ante su asombro, Jesús intervino rápidamente, sujetando a Ganid y permitiendo así que el asustado muchacho escapara. Tan pronto como recobró el aliento, exclamó Ganid acaloradamente: «Maestro, no alcanzo a comprenderte. Si la misericordia demanda el rescate del muchacho más pequeño, ¿no exige la justicia el castigo del más grande, del agresor?». Jesús le respondió:
«Ganid, es verdad que no comprendes. El ministerio de la misericordia es siempre la obra del individuo, pero el castigo de la justicia es la función de los grupos sociales, gubernamentales, o administrativos del universo. Como individuo estoy obligado a mostrar misericordia; debo rescatar al muchacho agredido, y podré con toda justicia, emplear la fuerza para contener al agresor. Y eso es exactamente lo que hice. Logré liberar al muchacho agredido; he aquí el fin del ministerio de la misericordia. Retuve luego por la fuerza al agresor el tiempo necesario para permitir la huida de la parte más débil de la disputa, y luego me desentendí del asunto. No juzgué al agresor, examinando el móvil — evaluando todos los factores que pudieran haber contribuido al ataque contra su semejante— ni emprendí la realización del castigo que pudiera dictaminar mi mente como justa recompensa por su mala acción. Ganid, la misericordia puede ser profusa, pero la justicia es precisa. ¿No te das cuenta de que difícilmente podrían dos personas ponerse de acuerdo sobre un castigo que pudiera satisfacer las exigencias de la justicia? Uno impondría cuarenta latigazos, otro, veinte, mientras que un tercero sostendría que el aislamiento penal es el único castigo justo. ¿No te das cuenta de que en este mundo es mejor que tales responsabilidades recaigan sobre el grupo o sean administradas por los representantes nombrados por el grupo? En el universo, el juicio está investido sobre aquellos que conocen plenamente los antecedentes de todos los males así como también sus móviles. En la sociedad civilizada y en un universo organizado, la administración de la justicia presupone el dictamen de una sentencia justa después de un juicio justo, y esta prerrogativa corresponde a los grupos jurídicos de los mundos y a los administradores omnisapientes de los universos más altos de toda la creación».
Durante varios días conversaron sobre el problema de manifestar misericordia y administrar justicia. Ganid llegó a comprender, por lo menos en parte, el por qué Jesús se negaba a participar en luchas físicas personales. Pero Ganid le hizo una última pregunta, a la que nunca recibió una respuesta plenamente satisfactoria; y esa pregunta fue: «Pero, Maestro, si una criatura más fuerte y airada te atacara y amenazara con destruirte, ¿qué harías tú? ¿No harías ningún esfuerzo por defenderte?» Aunque Jesús no podía responder completa y satisfactoriamente a la pregunta del muchacho, porque no estaba dispuesto a revelarle que él (Jesús) estaba viviendo en la tierra como ejemplo del amor del Padre del Paraíso para todo un universo espectador, pudo decirle cuanto sigue:
«Ganid, bien comprendo que estos problemas te dejan perplejo, y trataré de responder a tu pregunta. Primero, en cualquier ataque que pudiera hacerse contra mi persona, yo determinaría si es el agresor un hijo de Dios —mi hermano en la carne— o no, y si pensara que esa criatura no posee juicio moral ni razón espiritual, sin titubeos me defendería hasta el límite de mi resistencia, a pesar de las consecuencias para el agresor. Pero no agrediría yo del mismo modo a un semejante, hijo de Dios, ni siquiera en defensa propia. Es decir que no le castigaría de antemano y sin juicio por haberme agredido. Trataría por todos los medios posibles de prevenir el ataque y de disuadirle de que me agrediera, y trataría de mitigar la intensidad de ese ataque si no consiguiera evadirlo. Ganid, tengo confianza absoluta en la protección de mi Padre celestial. Estoy consagrado a hacer la voluntad de mi Padre que está en el cielo. No creo que pueda acontecerme ningún daño real; no creo que la obra de mi vida pueda en realidad peligrar a manos de mis enemigos, y de seguro que no hemos de temer violencia alguna por parte de nuestros amigos. Estoy absolutamente convencido de que el universo entero es cordial para conmigo —insisto en creer esta verdad todopoderosa con la confianza más sincera pese a todas las apariencias de lo contrario».
Pero Ganid no estaba plenamente satisfecho. Muchas veces conversaron sobre estos temas, y Jesús le contó sus experiencias juveniles, y le contó de Jacob, el hijo del albañil. Al oír cómo Jacob se había erigido defensor de Jesús, dijo Ganid: «¡Oh, ahora comienzo a entender! En primer lugar, raramente se le ocurriría a una persona normal atacar a una persona tan bondadosa como tú, pero aunque eso ocurriera, si alguien fuera tan irracional como para atacarte, habría con toda seguridad muy cerca otro mortal dispuesto a acudir corriendo en tu ayuda, así como tú siempre acudes a rescatar al que se encuentre en dificultad. En mi corazón, Maestro, convengo contigo, pero en mi cabeza, aún pienso que de haber yo sido Jacob, con placer habría castigado a esos seres malvados que se atrevían a agredirte sólo porque pensaban que tú no te defenderías. Supongo que estás bastante a salvo en el transcurso de tu vida, puesto que mucho de tu tiempo lo dedicas a ayudar a otros y a consolar a tus semejantes en desgracia; así pues, supongo que probablemente habrá siempre alguien cerca, listo para defenderte». Y Jesús replicó: «Esa prueba aún no ha llegado, Ganid, y cuando llegue, debemos atenernos a la que es la voluntad del Padre». Y fue eso casi todo lo que pudo el muchacho sacarle a su maestro sobre el difícil tema de la defensa propia y la falta de resistencia. En otra ocasión, consiguió él sacarle a Jesús que, en su opinión, la sociedad organizada tenía todo el derecho de emplear la fuerza para la ejecución de sus justos mandatos.
Libro de Urantia Doc 133
Coming Food and Financial Crisis of 2011 Set to Wreak Havoc!
The global food crisis is here. 2011 will mark the significant turning point in global famine. The main culprit (90% of the blame) is the FedRes with their money printing! With money debasement the poor masses will convert their currencies into food as quickly as possible. This will result in abnormally high artificial demand. When you know that the money you have will buy less food everyday, you will spend it asap to stock up food. This will exacerbate the situation and cause shortages.
Read complete report:
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Some of the men will buy you diamonds and pearls; And those are the things that mean a lot to some girls. But all I have is love, darling, all I have is love. - Gregory Isaacs
Major Earth Directed X-Flare Feb 15
FIRST X-FLARE OF THE NEW SOLAR CYCLE: Sunspot 1158 has unleashed the strongest solar flare in more than four years. The eruption, which peaked at 0156 UT on Feb. 15th, registered X2 on the Richter scale of solar flares. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded an intense flash of extreme ultraviolet radiation X-flares are the strongest type of solar flare, and this is the first such eruption of new Solar Cycle 24. In addition to flashing Earth with UV radiation, the explosion also hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) in our direction. The expanding cloud may be seen in this movie from NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft. Geomagnetic storms are possible when the CME arrives 36 to 48 hours hence.
Monday, February 14, 2011
El Amor
Dijo Almitra: Háblanos del Amor.
Y él levantó la cabeza, miró a la gente y una quietud descendió sobre todos. Entonces, dijo con gran voz:
Cuando el amor os llame, seguidlo. Y cuando su camino sea duro y difícil. Y cuando sus alas os envuelvan, entregaos. Aunque la espada entre ellas escondida os
hiriera. Y cuando os hable, creed en él. Aunque su voz destroce nuestros sueños, tal cómo el viento
norte devasta los jardines.
Porque, así como el amor os corona, así os crucifica. Así como os acrece, así os poda. Así como asciende a lo más alto y acaricia vuestras más tiernas ramas, que se estremecen
bajo el sol, así descenderá hasta vuestras raíces y las sacudirá en un abrazo con la tierra.
Como trigo en gavillas él os une a vosotros mismos. Os desgarra para desnudaros. Os cierne, para libraros de vuestras coberturas. Os pulveriza hasta volveros blancos.
Os amasa, hasta que estéis flexibles y dóciles.
Y os asigna luego a su fuego sagrado, para que podáis convertiros en sagrado pan para la fiesta sagrada de Dios.
Todo esto hará el amor en vosotros para que podáis conocer los secretos de vuestro corazón y convertiros, por ese conocimiento, en un fragmento del corazón de la Vida.
Pero si, en vuestro miedo, buscáreis solamente la paz y el placer del amor, entonces, es mejor que cubráis vuestra desnudez y os alejéis de sus umbrales.
Hacia un mundo sin primaveras donde reiréis, pero no con toda vuestra risa, y lloraréis, pero no con todas vuestras lágrimas.
El amor no da nada más a sí mismo y no toma nada más que de sí mismo. El amor no posee ni es poseído. Porque el amor es suficiente para el amor.
Cuando améis no debéis decir: "Dios está en mi corazón", sino más bien: "Yo estoy en el corazón de.Dios."
Y pensad que no podéis dirigir el curso del amor porque él si os encuentra dignos, dirigirá vuestro curso.
El amor no tiene otro deseo que el de realizarse. Pero, si amáis y debe la necesidad tener deseos, que vuestros deseos sean éstos: Fundirse y ser como un arroyo que canta su melodía a la noche. Saber del dolor de la demasiada ternura. Ser herido por nuestro propio conocimiento del amor. Y sangrar voluntaria y alegremente. Despertarse al amanecer con un alado corazón y dar gracias por otro día de amor. Descansar al mediodía y meditar el éxtasis de amar. Volver al hogar con gratitud en el
atardecer. Y dormir con una plegaria por el amado en el corazón y una canción de alabanza en los labios.
El Profeta - Khalil Gibran
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sunspot 1158 has just unleashed the strongest solar flare of the year, an M6.6-category blast @ 1738 UT on Feb. 13th. The eruption appears to have launched a coronal mass ejection (CME) toward Earth.
The eruption produced a loud blast of radio waves heard in shortwave receivers around the dayside of our planet. In New Mexico, amateur radio astronomer Thomas Ashcraft recorded these sounds at 19 to 21 MHz. "This was some of the strongest radio bursting of the new solar cycle," he says. "What a great solar day."
Preliminary coronagraph data from STEREO-A and SOHO agree that the explosion produced a fast but not particularly bright coronal mass ejection (CME). The cloud will likely hit Earth's magnetic field on or about Feb. 15th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.
The source of this activity, sunspot 1158 is growing rapidly (48 hour movie). The active region is now more than 100,000 km wide with at least a dozen Earth-sized dark cores scattered beneath its unstable magnetic canopy. More Earth-directed eruptions are likely in the hours ahead.
Mola Mola Or Ocean Sunfish
Mola Mola or Ocean SunfishHeaviest boney fish in the world, with adults weighing over 2000kg. Can grow over 3m long. As tall as it is long.It has no tail. It's all head! Only 1 inch of spine, the rest is it's skull.Lays more eggs than any other fish in the world - about a million at a time, and 300 million in it's lifetime.Sunfish lar...vae (babies) are 2 millimetres long.Belongs to the same family as the more common pufferfish. Has the ability to change colour to a darker tone if being attacked.Adults live alone.They live in temperate and tropical waters of every ocean. Named Sunfish because it basks in the sun before deep sea dives.Their prey is jellyfish, of which they consume huge amounts.Predators include killer whales and sometimes sealions. It's rare to see them in captivity due to their size and dietary needs, but are permanent residents in aquariums in Osaka and California
More Pics:
Friday, February 11, 2011
Demasiado frecuentemente los hombres olvidan que Dios es la experiencia más grande en la existencia humana. Otras experiencias están limitadas en su naturaleza y contenido, pero la experiencia de Dios no tiene límites excepto los de la capacidad de comprensión de la criatura, y esta misma experiencia es en sí misma ampliadora de la capacidad. Cuando los hombres buscan a Dios, lo buscan todo. Cuando encuentran a Dios han encontrado todo. La búsqueda de Dios es el don ilimitado de amor acompañado por descubrimientos sorprendentes de amor nuevo y aun más grande capaz de ser donado.
Todo amor verdadero viene de Dios, y el hombre recibe el afecto divino así como él mismo dona su amor a sus semejantes. El amor es dinámico. No puede ser apresado jamás; está vivo, libre, conmovedor y siempre en movimiento. El hombre no puede tomar jamás el amor del Padre y aprisionarlo en su corazón. El amor del Padre puede llegar a ser real para el hombre mortal sólo al pasar a través de la personalidad del hombre cuando a su vez dona ese amor a sus semejantes. El gran circuito del amor viene del Padre, a través de los hijos a los hermanos y de ahí al Supremo. El amor del Padre aparece en la personalidad mortal por ministerio del Ajustador residente. Este hijo que conoce a Dios revela este amor a sus hermanos universales, y este afecto fraternal es la esencia del amor del Supremo.
El hombre puede descubrir al Padre en su corazón, pero tendrá que buscar al Supremo en el corazón de todos los demás hombres; y cuando todas las criaturas revelen perfectamente el amor del Supremo, se volverá una actualidad universal para todas las criaturas. Ésa no es más que otra manera de decir que los universos serán establecidos en luz y vida.
Los hombres no hallan al Supremo en forma repentina y espectacular como un terremoto abre abismos en las rocas, sino que lo encuentran lenta y pacientemente como un río que va desgastando quietamente su lecho.
Libro de Urantia Doc: 117
NASA | Glory: The Particle Puzzle
This episode explores the complexity of atmospheric aerosols- how they impact climate and how researchers study them. Glory's Aerosol Polarimetry Sensor and Cloud Camera will provide an unprecedented data set for helping scientists understand aerosol particles.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
La cita del dia
Vivir Lealmente
Vive lealmente hoy —crece— y mañana será otro día. La forma más rápida para que un renacuajo se torne rana, consiste en vivir lealmente cada momento como renacuajo.
El Libro de Urantia, (100:1.4)
El Libro de Urantia, (100:1.4)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Giant Ring of Black Holes
Just in time for Valentine's Day comes a new image of a ring -- not of jewels -- but of black holes. This composite image of Arp 147, a pair of interacting galaxies located about 430 million light years from Earth, shows X-rays from the NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory (pink) and optical data from the Hubble Space Telescope (red, green, blue) produced by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Md.
Arp 147 contains the remnant of a spiral galaxy (right) that collided with the elliptical galaxy on the left. This collision has produced an expanding wave of star formation that shows up as a blue ring containing in abundance of massive young stars. These stars race through their evolution in a few million years or less and explode as supernovas, leaving behind neutron stars and black holes.
A fraction of the neutron stars and black holes will have companion stars, and may become bright X-ray sources as they pull in matter from their companions. The nine X-ray sources scattered around the ring in Arp 147 are so bright that they must be black holes, with masses that are likely ten to twenty times that of the Sun.
An X-ray source is also detected in the nucleus of the red galaxy on the left and may be powered by a poorly-fed supermassive black hole. This source is not obvious in the composite image but can easily be seen in the X-ray image. Other objects unrelated to Arp 147 are also visible: a foreground star in the lower left of the image and a background quasar as the pink source above and to the left of the red galaxy.
Infrared observations with NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and ultraviolet observations with NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) have allowed estimates of the rate of star formation in the ring. These estimates, combined with the use of models for the evolution of binary stars have allowed the authors to conclude that the most intense star formation may have ended some 15 million years ago, in Earth's time frame.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Record Low Arctic Sea Ice Extent for January
During the Northern Hemisphere winter of 2010–2011, unusually cold temperatures and heavy snowstorms plagued North America and Europe, while conditions were unusually warm farther north. Now the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) has reported that Arctic sea ice was at its lowest extent ever recorded for January (since satellite records began).
This image shows the average Arctic sea ice concentration for January 2011, based on observations from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E) aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite. Blue indicates open water; white indicates high sea ice concentrations; and turquoise indicates loosely packed sea ice. The red line shows the average sea ice extent for January from 1979 through 2000.
NSIDC reported that ice extent was unusually low in Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait, and Davis Strait in the early winter. Normally frozen over by late November, these areas did not completely freeze until mid-January 2011. The Labrador Sea was also unusually ice-free.
NSIDC offered two possible explanations. One reason is the Arctic Oscillation (AO), a seesaw pattern of differences in atmospheric pressure. In “positive” mode, the AO includes high pressure over the mid-latitudes and low pressure over the Arctic, setting up wind patterns that trap cold air in the far North. In “negative” mode, air pressure isn’t quite as low over the Arctic and isn’t quite as high over the mid-latitudes. This enables cold air to creep south and relatively warm air to move north.
The AO was in negative mode in December 2010 and January 2011, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). At mid-latitudes, the negative mode resulted in extremely cold temperatures and heavy snow in Europe and North America. At the same time, warm air over the Arctic impeded sea ice growth. NOAA has forecast that the AO should return to positive mode in February 2011, but for how long was unclear.
Another factor in the low Arctic sea ice extent, NSIDC explained, could be that the areas of open ocean were still releasing heat to the atmosphere. Due to its bright appearance, sea ice reflects most of the Sun’s light and heat back into space. Dark ocean water, by contrast, absorbs most of that energy and reinforces the melting process.
- NOAA Climate Prediction Center. (2011, February). Monitoring weather and climate. Accessed February 4, 2011.
- NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis. (2011, February 2). Arctic Oscillation brings record low January extent, unusual mid-latitude weather. Accessed February 4, 2011.
NASA image created by Jesse Allen, using AMSR-E data and sea ice extent contours courtesy of the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). Caption by Michon Scott.
- Instrument:
- Aqua - AMSR-E
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